My favorite Beer: Mac and Jack’s African Amber

Hi all,

You probably don’t know this but I’m actually a huge fan of beer! Last year I even considered starting a small home brewing company and creating my own beer but this idea was rather short-lived as I was still fraternity president of a DRY fraternity! I may still do this someday and I’ll keep you posted for sure! Anyways….As I’ve progressed through the last 4 years of University I have gone through an immense number of different beers and recently I’ve finally gotten a very firm idea of what the best one is…

First though! Let’s go through and see the history – These are all the different beers that I would consider important in my life. They’ve treated me well through the years, we’ve had some damn good times, and well, their not all top tier, but they all hold a special place in my heart….

Budweiser – Can’t go wrong with the king. This is the first beer I had at my buddy Jake’s cabin where I officially got drunk for the first time. It was a fun time. Never liked the taste all that much and don’t like to just drink this the whole night ever, still good though!

Budlight – I love Bud light. You can almost never go wrong having a cold one of these and they are available pretty much anywhere. Sounds a little weird but I would even prefer one of these over a Heineken!

Keystone – Ahh freshmen year…. You can get 24 16oz cans of these at the Dawg pound for like 11 bucks… The official “frat party” drink, pretty watered down but still tastes pretty good (progressively better if you get my drift).

Don’t be fooled, Keystone is never in a glass….

Natural Ice – See above…

MGD – Pretty good tasting beer. I really liked this stuff my sophomore year and I’d often just buy a forty of this and hang out but it was replaced by the following beer.

Mickey’s – Absolutely positively my second favorite beer. I love this stuff (only as a 40oz) and I’ve had a lot of good times with this particular beer. I know its “malt liquor” and therefore “not classy” but shit, it tastes great, it’s cheap, enough said. One bad thing: bad gas the next morning.

Alaskan Amber – My girlfriend bought me a six pack of this for my birthday. Super meaningful because she usually doesn’t like me drinking beer but she made me a delicious 3-restaurant picnic and a 6 pack of beer. What a darling! She knows the way to my heart! I still keep one of the bottlecaps in my car to remember!

HG800 – Also known as bum piss. This shit is digusting and probably the strongest beer that I’ve ever dranken. Drinking a 40 of this is almost like drinking 2 40s. Even at the height of my “drinking career” back a 2 years ago i thought this stuff was disgusting. My friend Xuan once drank some of this and got hives the next day….. and yet we always seemed to keep drinking it…….interesting…

The WINNER: Mac and Jack’s African Amber: Word’s cannot describe how delicious this beer is. I’m actually not like some sort of expert on all the fineries of tasting or drinking beer but I can just say that I love the taste! It’s REALLY like those beers where in the commercials the guy comes home has a beer and is instantly relaxed. It’s a strange but awesome feeling and I feel kinda like I’m finally starting to understand what the fuss is about with enjoying beer instead of just drinking for the sake of it. I think this particular beer is a local favorite or something so definitely go to a bar or restaurant and try it out!! It’s MONEY!!!

There you have it! A beer documentary from someone who loves his beer! πŸ˜‰ Have a great mother’s day everyone! I’d appreciate comments as usual and btw, Go have a beer in the sun!

Beer by Reel Big Fish

2 Responses to My favorite Beer: Mac and Jack’s African Amber

  1. robthebuilder says:

    Good onya Austin good to see some one else loves the old amber fluid and is blogging about it.
    Keep up the good work the world needs to know what there been missin out on.

    Got ya blog rolled


  2. Austin says:

    Hey thanks man! I appreciate it! Keep that mac and jacks flowing πŸ˜‰

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